[. . . ] Please refer to safety and disposal instructions for batteries in this user manual. Disposal of these materials may be regulated due to environmental considerations. Please refer to disposal instructions in this user manual. The 'exclamation mark' calls attention to features for which you should carefully read the supplied literature to prevent operating and maintenance problems. The 'lightening bolt' symbol indicates uninsulated components within the product that can cause an electric shock. [. . . ] Tap control buttons on the [Now Playing] screen to select different operations. Note Some control functions are not available on iPhone or Android enabled Smartphones. 1 2 3 Tap the App Store icon on your iPhone. Follow the instructions on your Smartphone to download the application. » The Philips MyRemote icon is added to the home screen of your Smartphone. 2 3 4 EN 27 Engl i s h Access the smartphone application 7 Multiroom Music MCi8080 NP3300 :LWK WKH 0XOWLURRP 0XVLF IHDWXUH \RX FDQ SOD\ the same song on MCi8080 and NP3300 at the same time. %HIRUH \RX HQDEOH WKLV IHDWXUH PDNH VXUH WKDW both MCi8080 and NP3300 are connected to the home Wi-Fi network; you are playing songs from the HDD connected to MCi8080. 3 Wait until the Multiroom Music feature is enabled successfully. 7R FDQFHO VLPXOWDQHRXV SOD\ SUHVV on MCi8080. 1 2 Play a song from the HDD connected to MCi8080. )URP +RPH VFUHHQ RI 0&L VHOHFW [Multiroom Music] to enable the Multiroom Music feature. Starting Party Mede. press <STOP> to cancel Party Mode. 28 EN 8 Settings Play modes :KHQ SOD\LQJ PXVLF \RX FDQ FKRRVH WR SOD\ UHSHDWHGO\ SOD\ LQ UDQGRP RUGHU RU SOD\ RQH E\ one. To select a play mode for music play %HIRUH RU GXULQJ PXVLF SOD\ )URP +RPH VFUHHQ JR WR [Settings] > [Play mode] 2U Press PLAY MODE on the remote control. - Play all songs in current folder » repeatedly; - Play current song repeatedly; » » Off Incredible Surround Incredible Surround allows you to experience total surround with greater depth and width of VRXQG ZLWKRXW WKH XVH RI DGGLWLRQDO VSHDNHUV In [Settings] > [Sound settings] > [Incredible Surround] WXUQ LW RQ RU RII Engl i s h Bass and treble Use [Bass / Treble] to adjust the low (bass) or high (treble) range of musical notes. 1 )URP +RPH VFUHHQ JR WR [Settings] > [Sound settings] > [Bass / Treble]. 2U SUHVV SOUND MENU on the remote control to enter the menu of sound settings. Press CLEAR to select the neutral level. 2 Full sound [FullSound] restores the sonic details that music FRPSUHVVLRQ ORVHV HJ 03 :0$ Turn on or off [FullSound] in [Settings] >[Sound settings]. Sound settings 2Q 13 \RX FDQ VHOHFW GLIIHUHQW VRXQG settings in [Settings] > [Sound settings]. 1 )URP +RPH VFUHHQ JR WR [Settings] > [Sound settings]. » The alarm icon appears on the screen. EN 31 To play a song or Internet radio station as the next alarm sound Sleep timer :LWK WKH VOHHS WLPHU \RX FDQ KDYH 13 turned off automatically after the set timer duration. To set the time duration 1 2 Ensure that you have selected [Music] in the Step 3 above; %HIRUH \RX WXUQ RII 13 RU VZLWFK 13 WR DFWLYH VWDQGE\ Go to [Media Library] DQG VHOHFW DQG play the desired song; 2U JR WR [Internet Radio] DQG WXQH WR the desired station. 1 )URP WKH KRPH VFUHHQ JR WR [Settings] > [Clock settings] > [Sleep timer]. Press OK to turn it on. Tip Use the alarm $W WKH VHW DODUP WLPH PXVLF, QWHUQHW UDGLR SOD\V DV GHVLUHG RU WKH EX]]HU VRXQGV Note The alarm sounds even if you have switched NP3300 to active standby or Eco standby. 2 You can also press SLEEP/TIMER on the remote control repeatedly to set the time duration. 7KH EX]]HU VRXQGV LQVWHDG LI 13 IDLOV WR FRQQHFW to a music library or an Internet radio station. Date and time The date and time can be set automatically or manually. The alarm sounds in a higher volume if the volume level is lower than minimum. To snooze the alarm Press any button on the unit or the remote control (except for the volume buttons). To turn off the alarm Go to [Settings] > [Clock settings] > [Alarm]. Select [Alarm off] and press OK on the remote control. )RU DXWRPDWLF FORFN VHWWLQJ XVH WKH RQOLQH service over the Internet. Through the online service over the Internet 1 7XUQ RQ WKH XQLW LI QHFHVVDU\ Ensure that the unit is connected to the home Wi-Fi/wired network and Internet. )URP +RPH VFUHHQ VHOHFW [Settings] > [Clock settings] > [Date and time]. In [Date and time] VHOHFW [Current date and time] > >$XWRPDWLF , QWHUQHW @. » A message appears when the setting is done. 2 3 32 EN 1/3 Set date/time format Engl i s h Automatic (Internet) Manual Select how date and time are displayed in the clock. 1 2 Follow Step 1-2 under "Manual setting". In [Date and time] JR WR [Time format] or [Date format] to select options. Network settings Setup network Tip $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH ORFDWLRQ DQG WLPH ]RQH \RX VHOHFW the unit can have the clock time set and adjusted automatically through the online service over the Internet. [. . . ] Neither your consent nor the consent or approval of Philips is necessary for any of them to deny, withhold or otherwise restrict your access to Secure Content. Philips does not guaranty that you will be able to download, copy, store, display, transfer, and/or play Secure Content. D 7KLV VRIWZDUH PD\ FRQWDLQ FRPSRQHQWV WKDW DUH VXEMHFW WR RSHQVRXUFH WHUPV as stated in the documentation accompanying the Device. This Agreement does not apply to this software as VXFK E <RXU OLFHQVH ULJKWV XQGHU WKLV $JUHHPHQW GR QRW LQFOXGH DQ\ ULJKW RU OLFHQVH WR XVH GLVWULEXWH RU FUHDWH derivative works of the Software in any manner that would subject the Software to Open Source Terms. [. . . ]